CODES: * means plain. The scene is unsatisfactory due to lack of length or detail. ** means average. *** means hot.
V is a warning for above average violent content. S is a warning for snuff content - the excerpt is usually from a crime novel.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

** A young peasant woman is coerced to sex by a lord who holds her fiancé’s lands

Later in the book she gives birth to her rapist's son.

World Without End (2007) by Ken Follett, chapter 28.

     Ralph belched fruitily and sighed. ”What do you care whether Wulfric inherits?”
      “I love him, my lord. Now that he has been rejected by Annet, I hope he may marry me – with your gracious permission, of course.”
      “Come closer,” he said.
     She moved into the center of the room and stood in front of him. His eyes roamed all over her body.
      “You’re not a pretty girl,” he said. “But there’s something about you. Are you a virgin?”
      “Lord – I – I —“
      “Obviously not,” he laughed. “Have you lain with Wulfric yet?”
      “Liar.” He grinned, enjoying himself. “Well, now, what if I let Wulfric have his father’s lands after all? Perhaps I should. What then?”
      “You would be called a true nobleman by Wigleigh and all the world.”
      “The world won’t care. But will you be grateful to me?”
     Gwenda had a horrible feeling that she knew where this was leading.
      “Of course, deeply grateful.”
      “And how would you show it?”
     She backed towards the door. “Any way I could without shame.”
      “Would you take off your dress?”
     Her heart sank. “No, lord”
      “Ah. Not so grateful, then.”
     She reached the door and touched the handle, but she did not go out. “What… what are you asking me, lord?”
      “I want to see you naked. Then I’ll decide.”
     She looked at Alan. “In front of him?”
     It did not seem much, to show herself to these two men – not by comparison with the prize, winning Wulfric’s inheritance back.
     Swiftly, she undid her belt and pulled her dress over her head. She held the dress in her hand, keeping the other hand on the doorknob, and stared defiantly at Ralph. He looked greedily at her body, then glanced over at his companion with a grin of triumph; and Gwenda saw that this was about showing his power as much as anything else.
     Ralph said: “An ugly cow, but nice udders – eh, Alan?”
     Alan replied: “I wouldn’t climb over you to get at her.”
     Ralph laughed.
     Gwenda said: “Now will you grant my petition?”
     Ralph put his hand to his crotch and began to stroke himself. “Lie with me,” he said. “On that bed.”
      “Come on – you’ve already done it with Wulfric, you’re no virgin.”
      “Think of the lands – ninety acres, all that his father had.”
     She thought. If she agreed, Wulfric would have his heart’s desire – and the two of them could look forward to a life of plenty. If she continued to refuse, Wulfric would be a landless labourer, like Joby, struggling all his life to make enough to feed his children, and often failing.
     Still the thought revolted her. Ralph was an unpleasant man, petty and vengeful, a bully – so different from his brother. His being tall and handsome made little difference. It would be disgusting to lie with someone she disliked so much.
     The fact that she had done it with Wulfric only yesterday made the prospect of sex with Ralph even more repellent. After her night of happy intimacy with Wulfric, it would be a terrible betrayal to do the same with another man.
     Don’t be a fool, she told herself. For the sake of five minutes of unpleasantness, will you condemn yourself to a life of hardship? -- Was it not better to prostitute herself to Ralph one time, for just a few moments, than to condemn her unborn children to a life of poverty?
     Ralph remained quiet while she vacillated. He was wise: any words from him would only have strengthened her revulsion. Silence served him better.
      “Please,” Gwenda said at last. “Don’t make me do this.”
      “Ah,” he said. “That tells me you’re willing.”
      “It’s a sin,” she said desperately. She did not often talk about sin, but she thought there was a chance it might move him. “A sin for you to ask, and a sin for me to agree.”
      “Sins can be forgiven.”
      “What would your brother think of you?”
     That gave him pause. For a moment he seemed to hesitate.
      “Please,” she said. “Just let Wulfric inherit.”
     His face hardened again. “I’ve made my decision. I’m not  going to reverse it – unless you can persuade me. And just saying please won’t work.” His eyes glistened with desire, and he was breathing a little faster, his mouth open, his lips moist behind his beard.
     She dropped her dress to the floor and walked to the bed.
      “Kneel on the mattress,” Ralph said. “No, facing away from me.”
     She did as he said.
      “Better view from this side,” he said, and Alan laughed loudly. Gwenda wondered if Alan was going to stay to watch, but then Ralph said: “Leave us alone.” A moment later the door slammed.
     Ralph knelt on the bed behind Gwenda. She closed her eyes and prayed for forgiveness. She felt his thick fingers exploring her. She heard him spit, then he rubbed a wet hand on her. A moment later he entered her. She groaned with shame.
     Ralph misinterpreted the sound and said: “You like that, eh?”
     She wondered how long this would take. He began to move rhythmically. To ease the discomfort she moved with him, and he laughed triumphantly, thinking he had excited her lust. Her greatest fear was that this would sour her entire experience of lovemaking. In future, when she lay with Wulfric, would she think of this moment?
     And then, to her horror, a warm flush of pleasure began to spread through her loins. She felt her face redden in shame. Despite her profound repugnance, her body betrayed her, and moisture flooded inside her, easing the friction of his thrusts. He sensed the change and moved faster. Disgusted with herself, she ceased to match his rhythm; but he grabbed her hips, pushing and pulling alternately, and she was helpless to resist. She remembered with dismay that her body had undermined her in the same way with Alwyn in the forest. Then as now, she had wanted her body to be a wooden statue, numb and impassive; both times, it had responded against her will.
     She had killed Alwyn with his own knife.
     She could not do the same to Ralph, even if she had wanted to, because he was behind her. She could not see him, and she had little control over her body. She was in his hands. She was glad when she sensed that he was approaching the climax. Soon it would be over. She felt an answering pressure in her own loins. She tried to make her body limp and her mind blank: it would be too humiliating if she, too, reached a climax. She felt Ralph ejaculate inside her, and she shuddered, not with pleasure but with loathing.
     He sighed with satisfaction, withdrew from her and lay flat on the bed.
     She got up and quickly pulled on her dress.
      “That was better than I expected,” Ralph said, as if he were paying her some kind of polite compliment.
     She went out and slammed the door behind her.

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